Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling - Self-Evaluation Report


  • Minh-Tho Nguyen
  • Arnout Ceulemans


TCCM stands for an international Master of Science Program in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational modelling. It is a joint initiative of a consortium of seven European Universities (Madrid, Valencia, Porto, Perugia, Toulouse, Groningen, Leuven). The UAMadrid is the coordinating institution. TCCM has acquired the ECTNA European Master label, and since 2010 was recognized as an Erasmus Mundus program of the EU. In 2015 it was admitted to the Erasmus Plus scheme. At KULeuven TCCM operates since 2010 as a stand-alone master program. After running for 5 years, evaluation by an external expert panel was required to obtain continued accreditation. An extensive self-evaluation report was made prior to the visitation. This task was conferred to an ad hoc committee, including staff members of the Quantum Chemistry Division at KULeuven, representatives of the students, and advisers from the Faculty of Science and the University Educational Board. The partner institutions also contributed by sharing information. The report is reproduced here in extenso.





